This weekend was the Relay for life fundraiser for the Cancer Society - and as some of you were kind enough to sponsor us, here is a report on proceedings. The person who suggested it was Olwyn - she's on the phone (or by the cone) in the pictures. After several gruelling years of treatment she is now cancer free! She is a survivor, and only the curly hair - which she did not have before, is there to remind us!

There was a huge storm brewing this weekend - not rain, a storm, so when you least expect it - eg when all the team was on the track doing lap 1 it hosed down for a few minutes leaving us all very wet! So we spent quite a bit of time hunkered down in our very antiquated tent - but having a centre pole was good and tall and able to accommodate the 17 of us.

We were on a roster which we only vaguely stuck too. I did 25 laps (10km) the first day, and about 10 laps (4km) today. Duncan did a few walking laps on the Saturday, and then did 2 hours from 6.30am to 8.30am while the rest of us had a cooked breakfast. Olwyn's two children and their husband/wife and her husband did most of the night shift. We snuck home for a few hours kip. I am full of a head cold, and was starting to fade.

Well of course O was for Olwyn, or 0=zero, no more cancer, or O for orange which was our charming team colour. I made the team bibs, which glowed quite a bit which was very handy for spotting our team coming around in the gloom. You can see Graeme holding the baton aloft which we kept on the track for 24hours! They had a stage with some good music and some ceremonies such as candle lighting for loved ones taken by cancer. These candles were put in a large paper bag with sand in the bottom. The top was then rolled over - and despite the rain and wind in the night we found 2 of ours still going in the morning. Then there was a balloon release

Fortunately they dont have another one for another 3 years, so we can all rest up.