Not quite 4 weddings and a funeral, bit we have certainly done our share of celebrating over the past few weekends. First of all it was Selwyn's Retirement in Rotorua. Duncan had known Sel since St Kentigen days, and John Watt had worked with him for 25 years so we felt we should go. I was sitting next to Sel and said "So have you got your speech prepared?" and he replied "Yes, I've got something organised - but I'm not sure that they're going to do speeches" There was a bit of a break after dessert, but nothing happened, then the teas and coffees were being prepared. A couple of people came to say Goodbye and I thought, "We can't have this." And so I leapt to my feet and proclaimed myself MC for the night. I knew that John and Duncan wanted to speak, then the Tony Bland who was Sel's partner in Visique, and when I called for any more, his sweet little receptionist Kara, got up and made a short heart felt speech. Finally Selwyn relished his opportunity to make his retirement speech, then I proposed a toast and the party continued.
Thursday was our school graduation, and as usual I was MC and Chief reader out of names.
Friday Duncan went for his long premarathon run - 3 hours 35mins and I followed him around with water and encouraging words. In the afternoon we took Julia and Steve's present around and stayed for a drink.
I played golf on Saturday morning, then we got our gladrags on for the wedding.
That night it was Robyn Arthur's 60th birthday (another of the tramping girls). She has 5 brothers who have all done extremely well for themselves, but by past experience often talk about themsleves when giving speeches, so she asked her 3 sisters to make the speech. At the last moment they said they didn't think they could, so I gave a speech, along with her son.
So much for my New Year's Resolution not to offer to organise things.
Off on a tramp (yes I organised this) on Thursday, so lets hope the weather remains fine until we have made it around Banks Peninsula.