Todays main task was to look at lighting shops in Dunedin. We don't have any specialist lighting shops in Gisborne now, so with the impending update of our ensuite, and the Build at Kaka Point we hit the lighting shops.
Considered strip lighting - maybe too harsh.
Chose a button light with a black rim for the ceiling. This allows us to choose our light intensity. Most lights are LED now - build in, with no bulbs to change.
These are for the side of the mirror - again with a black trim.
The button light was sent from a warehouse in Tauranga and the side lights came all the way from Dunedin!
The Black trim may make more sense when you see the picture of Phyls that we intend to hang.
A leisurely afternoon was spent until the My Food Bag arrived. Jill and Rua get Fresh Start which is lots of fresh veges and small servings of meat.
Since they are meals for two - Alex makes most of his own food - Duncan and Rua had the Salmon dish
While Jill and I had the leek and chicken pie - except there wasn't any pastry, just slices of Kumara to put on top, and a pitiful amount of parmesan cheese to put on top, so I supplemented this with extra tasty cheese.
However with the little pouches of sauces and herbs they were very delicious meals.
Masterchef in action!!You can see in the background that the "snug" at Gourley Street is about to be worked on by painters and plasterers. They duly arrived at about 8 am just as we were taking off for the airport. Our route home was via Auckland, so it was masks all the way!! There were spectacular views, including this one of Mount Taranaki. I'm sure the air has been clearer since Covid has reduced air travel.
A great long weekend away.