Millies new clothes courtesy of grandma.
While Duncan and Alex met at the goal mouth at the Oval, us girls went shopping. Millie is very obliging, and while I am trying on things she will strike poses infront of the mirror and check out fabrics on the rack. Jill left us while she went to a meeting and after lunch we waited outside the bank at the Gardens in North East Valley. Jill rang to say she was on her way to pick us up at 1.35pm and at 1.45pm the bank was robbed!!! We weren't so lucky when it came to the earthquake the following night. It went on and on, and so finally we got the kids out of bed and took them under the solid kitchen table. Alex barely woke up, but Millie was quite concerned, but at least she knew the drill - Act Like a Turtle. We had a fantastic night at Plato, one of Dunedin's acclaimed restaurants. Jill phoned ahead to see if we could get half portions, but when we arrived they offered fish (in tempura batter) and chips. Even though I am not very fond of fish this was gorgeous. OK OK

so I was sitting next to Millie and just had to try this out.
Jill and Millie do "cats craddle"

We had a lovely card from the Vet in sympathy for Bella dying and this has settled me down. Even though I am in theory in favour of euthanasia I still had nagging doubts about putting Bella down. Of course, all futile as the vet was very sure that she couldn't be saved, only we could find out what had killed her, although the vet was very sure it was old age and catatrophic failure of organs. Will see if the vineyard sells, if not we will get another dog.
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