Thursday, October 1, 2009

Room redo and ducks

Jill has been showing off her painting skills - well they must be inherited as I have been repainting the furniture in the spare room and everyone says it looks very good. New duvet cover, chair and curtains have really jazzed up the spare room. Its still a bit of a mishmash because we didn't start from scratch but fine for a spare room. If you look closely at the first picture there are my wedding shoes and hand bag (not the odd sandal on the top). Today I bought my wedding underwear too!! I'm ready. Just over 3 months to go.

You might remember that we are having trouble with the wildlife now that Bella has left us. It has been fascinating to watch as these ducklings have grown into flappers (I knew I'd get to use that term sometime, Dawn), but the crap on the concrete is huge and very disgusting.
Feeling much better now but only for an hour or two at a stretch, and then it is time for rest.

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