This week we went on a school trip. It was to Cook's Cove where Captain Cook took on water, first encountered Maori, and chopped down some trees for the spars of his ships. Its up at Tolaga Bay, just an hour away. The kids went by bus, which is pretty new for them. The walk is only about 3 km, but very uphill, down dale. There was much cheering as they saw that I had made it!! it was fine all day in Gisborne, but as soon as we arrived a misty rain came an lasted all day. the kids were not going to be denied a swim however and the boys stripped down to their bare tops while the girls were in more cumbersome get-ups and they swam in two separate groups.
I headed back quite early, which was just s well as the ground became very slippery as it was mainly clay, and by the time 40 kids had made their way back it was like a luge ride. 
Here's me an Alice at the Hole in the Wall. Yes tramping in the skirt.
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