They say that Matariki co-incides with the winter solstice and this is when the Maori would harvest their Kumara. We didn't plant kumara this year, but the yams have been a great success! There are still things sprouting up in the garden - I have a huge picking of rhubarb to process - I use boysenberry jelly instead of sugar which gives it a lovely flavour.

We have had a few frosts lately and Duncan has kindly rigged up this umbrella over the Tamarillo Tree that was planted for Dawn's 60th birthday. Hopefully it will fruit next year.
There always seems to be something to do in the garden. I am planting some vireya rhododendrons. At least when you weed something it stays weed free for quite a while. This rose is called Faithful Friend and it blooms on until the bitter end. Normally when I prune it, it is still producing. However the garden will have to take a back seat as we are both helping with pruning this year.
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