I have been checking to see if Jill has been blogging on my site since I put pictures on hers but no. I dare say we will get a fair few when they move. So here are some photos of body parts which have been causing me some grief lately. Firstly the knee which I injured recently at Ohiwa. I was just celebrating being back in reasonable shape when I was walking up the path at school, talking to some student over my shoulder. The the knee gave way and I hit the edge of the path with my other foot and over I went. (I think this is very puffy - but just the angle I took the photo from)

This is the ankle that I sprained as a consequence, so my life has been quite quiet as I tend to nod off as soon as I put my foot up as a result of the painkillers. However I've stopped taking them now and can move slowly, and in a straight line without my crutches. Steps and rough ground may take a wee while longer.
However I got the candy cane award (a walking stick at Christmastime) at school from Sonja. She was the teacher who was not far behind me and was able to pull my skirt down and prevent my knickers being seen by too many students!!
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