I have been struggling with my walking after slipping down a bank a couple of months ago when trying to organise a cross country/treasure hunt for school. I found it very painful to lie on my side and as a consequence had very poor sleeps. With the continuation of the months long cold, lying on my back was resulting in very annoying snoring. It often woke me up as well as Duncan. I went to the Dr and said I thought I had a bursa like I had in my other hip when I slid down a bank in Rarotonga about 10years ago. But the doctor wasn't so keen to go with my self diagnosis and sent me to the physio. She reckoned it was refered pain. "I think its your back" she pronounced. " No its not" I retorted, and then she moved her fingers up my spine saying "I'm not pressing hard" while I screamed my head off. She subsequently manipulated me and taped me. Yes, you are now looking at a picture of my backside. 
My walking girls could hardly believe the difference as I strode up Hospital Hill and straddled the chain at the top. And once down the other side I broke into a little jog for good measure. Truly a miracle!! I am having to give up golf for a few weeks just until we get my hips rotating evenly around my spine. Let the practice for our next tramp begin!!
grandma! at least its taped up.