Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hair we come!!

Today I would normally be off at chemo and my poor bristly hair would be slashed down again. But not any more - its free to grow!!

Duncan and I went out to dinner last night to celebrate the end of 18weeks of chemo. Finito. I am now up to two glasses of wine, so that's huge progress!! We crossed the last week off the wall chart and off we went. I took this photo by holding the camera out and it seems to have given me a double chin. (Some of you may understand the logic of this)
My wall oven was very unsafe as its venting fans had stopped working so I took the opportunity to to back to a stand alone oven with a warming draw. The bench still needs some finishing off but at least I feel safe to cook again. Mmmmmm lasagne for tea.
We hope to go down to Mahia for the weekend in the caravan. Duncan has a golf tournament to play in and I will rest and and take walks alone the beach.
More news after the scan and report back on the 24th.

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