Many many times we have driven through the gorge, past Tauranga Bridge. The new Waioeka Journey signs say there is a hike into the back country to where the settlers tried, but failed to establish a farming community. So this year I determined that we should all head back into the gorge to follow this trail. Although the track is only 5k or so it did warn that there would have to be two river crossings of the Tauranga Stream.
Millie dances over the stones in a small tributary.
It was difficult to know just how much warning I should give them about this. Lyn was worried about the uphill, Jill and Millie were worried about fish in the water, however it didn't seem like there was any obstacle that we couldn't overcome together. I had the advantage of taking my tramping boots and stick. I gave them the standard talk about sticking together, and although Alex was often in the lead with his walkie talkie he was always mindful of us older folk behind us.
And being more steady on his feet was able to be sent back through the water to help others.
The second river crossing was much deeper - well up our thighs and if you didn't move graciously you would have wet your knickers!We all looked fine at the end. It was a bit of a challenge to those not used to going into the bush, but the tracks were in excellent condition and I would thoroughly recommend it.
It also meant that we could enjoy our wine and nibbles that night knowing that we had earned them. Its great now that Millie and Alex are a bit older and we can do this should of activity without too many grizzles from Millie - whereas Alex just loved it.
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