Its taken a while to get this BLOG posted and catch up on sleep and housework that we should have done on the weekend that we did the Relay 4 Life to raise money for the Local Cancer society. The idea is that you raise funds by getting sponsorship, but we ran a sweepstake, and then walked around the showgrounds track for 24hours.
Me and Olwyn - both had Diffuse Large B cell Lymphoma. The red sashes were for survivors.
We put the tent and gazebo up on Friday night the all assembled at about 11am on the Saturday. The survivors lap started at 12.00 and while the mayor droned on at the opening, a drone flew overhead taking pictures which distracted every-one! Me Olwyn and Stef walked the survivors lap and then the rest of the team joined in.
Robyn, Dawn, Anna and Norma |
We were recording the laps for the sweepstake, but got a bit distracted by having an interview filmed in the second hour. then we received the prize for the best dressed team and tent and soon we realised our lap rate was very low,so we put it in the hands (or is it feet?) of our fast walkers and were soon averaging 10 laps an hour. We just had to make sure we had some of the team on the track at all times.
Penny, Stef and Anna |
Even Duncan donned a stripey shirt and a set of wings! (no photo though!). We were Diffuse Bees after the type of lymphoma Olwyn and I had (Diffuse Large B Cell) and so we had a "B" banquet for dinner that night, starting with Bharghee mix, Brie, Bluevein, biscuits, and blinis with beetroot relish and cream cheese followed by burgers with beef of beetroot patties with bean or beetroot salad. Dessert was berries from Anna's bountiful garden, brownie, beaten cream and boysenberry yoghurt.
Robyn and Dawn on Night patrol |
I went home soon after that as at 9pm there is a commemorative service for those who have died from cancer. I am not quite ready for that. Plus I needed some sleep. Up at 4 and back on the track by 4.30am. The night walkers had made good progress in the lap count. Most of us had individual goals. I did 50laps (20km) but Dawn, Penny and Anna were going for a marathon of 106 laps. Regrettably Dawn got blisters in the early hours of the morning, but the other two completed.
I was on cooking the bacon and eggs as the organisers decided to only have a healthy option breakfast of fruit and cereal. Let me tell you that if you've been walking since 4.30am THAT does not fit the bill.
We were struggling to keep fresh people on the track by 10am, but Duncan was back and put into service while the rest of us began the pack-up. It was decided that we would walk the last lap together - I have to say I swore quite a bit when they suggested this! Then got out and did it - and proud of it!!
The Ladies of the CWI decided to knit the track since they are all getting a bit old to walk it. It didn't quite stretch all the way. |
We raised close to $3000 for the local Cancer society and we sincerely hope our efforts will inspire others to do the next Relay for Life so that we can have a rest.
226 laps has really worn us out.
Footnote: Dawn and Anna are now training for the Rotorua Marathon.
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