It was cold and dull the next morning which was a shopping expedition. Grandad and Alex went off to hunt down shoes - Alex chose bright pink Vans, while Duncan went for something more restrained in grey and a pair of slippers. We got Millie a skirted black coat which I hardly saw her out of, Jill and I got Kumfs, (hers were boots with zips and small studs and mine had tigerskin) and I bought Jill a leather handbag as an early birthday present.
We went out to lunch at Ironic, and since most of us had Mexican meals we managed to knock off a nice bottle of Spanish wine before heading home for a nap. A nice easy meal of soup and ciabatta for dinner and then we watched a documentary from Netflicks, starting with the lady who burned herself on MacDonalds coffee and continuing with an insight into the corrupt judicial system in the US.
Next morning Duncan went off to play golf with some optos. We were both a bit shocked at how dark it was just after 8am. The sun was very low in the sky almost blinding us as we began the steady climb of Flagstaff Hill.
It is only 2-3km up but steady uphill all the way. The cold air bit into my lungs, causing quite a bit of huffing and puffing - just as well there were views to be looked at on the way.
Just at the top was it a bit slushy underfoot and I steadied myself on the rocks as we neared the top.
Then of course there was the inevitable selfie. Believe it or not I am actually holding Jill's hat on here!
Here I am at the top. I just want to stress that I had a skivvy, jersey, padded vest on underneath my coat - I'm not really that wide.
From up here you could see all down the Dunedin Harbour and I mused that if a tsunami came there wouldn't be much hope for St Kilda residents as it would barrel up the harbour as well as come in at St Claire and St Kilda beaches.
There were plenty of pockets of snow on the side of the track and amongst the tussock. I managed to miss Jill with this snowball as we wended our way down, with thoughts of warming Hot Chocolates at the Cadbury factory.

Unfortunately the Cadbury Factory was closed so we went home and showered and changed and THEN went to the Cadbury factory. My year 9 and 10,s are doing a statistics project on candy coated chocolates - ie, a very serious body of work on Pebbles, smarties and M and Ms.
More shopping followed. I went and helped Rua choose a new outfit, the shirt of which you can see below - just a shame that you can't see the red and black plaid trousers that go with the quite plain shirt. We went to Customhouse for dinner - unfortunately they had changed their name and menu recently, but the food was still very good quality.
Millie scrubbed up beautifully for this occasion. There's no doubt that being in school shows certainly improves your make-up skills.
Monday morning we played Monopoly with the kids - the NZ version with up to date money values which was a little confusing for the old codgers. However Duncan still managed the win.
Then on the plane for a long, but quite pleasant trip home. Great trip, and so pleased we didn't stay longer for floods and earthquakes in the subsequent days.
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