The facilities at Curio Bay are quite primitive and poorly maintained, but quite ideosyncratic so we don't really mind.
Today we are real tourists exploring new territory along the Catlins Coastal Scenic Route. It forces itself to be scenic as many of the roads are gravel. We arrive at the magnificent Waipapa Point where there is a well maintained rimu and matai lighthouse whose base is filled with rocks as ballast. Thanks to solar power it still operates and no keeper is required to live in the windswept area. The light is to indicate a reef on which the Tararua ran aground with the loss of 131 of the 151 aboard. The Tararua Acre is nearby where most of the victims are buried. So then the lighthouse was built after this disaster.
We could also see sealions lumbering up the far end of the beach. They look huge and we decide not to get closer.
We pass through Fortrose and Tokanui on our way to the McLeans Falls which is a pretty walk of about 40mins return. And as a reward we shout ourselves a slap-up lunch at the Whistling Frog. Duncan tries and recommends the McLeans Falls Golden Lager made by a craft brewery which we try and track down at Kaka Point with no success.
It was hot walking!
Seafood Chowder for Duncan
Beer marinated Steak and Cheddar pie for Gwen
We stop at Lake Wilkie to walk off our lunch. This is a glacial notch from the ice ages so it is like a tarn high in the alps. It is a really easy walk but Duncan and I goof around and make it look hard!
"Look at that beautiful reflection"
I'll just lift this up off the track
Better widen this gap for Gwen.
We have to do the detour again and then arrive in Owaka - the place of the canoe. We stop as I think I can see a place where we can buy a breadboard (we left ours in Dunedin) The Black Sheep general store has an amazing array of arts and crafts. We also find a well laid out art gallery and a fantastic museum which brings together much of the Catlins' history, eg the story of Captain Cattlin afterwhom the area (with mis-spelling) is named.
A great way to decorate the public loos
I cheekily got in as a Senior here!
Well grouped and maintained displays and lots of short video clips and a longer program on shipwrecks!
This one is for Jill! Site of the next Gourley Street Party???
We drove on (basically heading North) to Kaka Point. The beaches are gorgeous golden quartz sand. By now its getting late in the afternoon and we head back stopping at Florence Hill lookout looking over Tautuku Bay. Our last tourist stop is at Niagara Falls NZ where we are greeted by a frenchman in his underwear having a wash. "Eet is their little joke, No?" Niagara Falls NZ bills itself as one of the worlds smallest waterfalls - and without the handsome frenchman would have been quite unspectacular!
You can sort of see the same divided structure
Lovely sandy sweep at Tautuku Bay
Then its back to Curio Bay for dinner and a relaxing wine. Most of the day it has been hovering at about 28 degrees.
What a whale of a time you guys had. The Catlins is crankin', and southland/otago is a warm place.