Saturday, April 1, 2017

March Caravan Trip - Thornton Beach

Monday 13th March
We had a slow start to our trip away as the workman came to sand back and polyurethane our floors while we were away. Then Kath (hen) retreated into the laying box with serious bottom issues (possibly a prolapse) and Duncan had to dispatch her with an axe. She flapped quite a bit post-decapitation!
The weather was fine but the Waioeka Gorge was dramatically full.

Prevailing wind at Thornton Beach
The camping ground at Thornton Beach was fairly empty but had a crop of cottages which seemed to be occupied by retired folk.
Tuesday 14th.
We had a walk around the camping ground and then went for a drive though some of the productive Bay of Plenty land. Later we went for a walk along the beach. Because the Rangitaiki River was still silted up after the heavy rains the water didn't look too inviting
Not too bad for a paddle

There was certainly a fine crop of shells washed up!

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