Duncan waters the trees while I drive the car and tow the trailer |
Here begins a series of the activities which we did during Alert Level 4 (and 3) of the Covid Pandemic that started on March 25th and hopefully will all but finish today, 11th May 2020.
We felt we were luckier than most, having a range of things to do on the Nut Farm which gave some purpose and structure to the day.
Getting ready to Mulch |
The mulch not only holds the water around the roots, but gradually breaks down to provide a rich soil structure. |
We've got plenty of hay, but sadly the wind and the birds - including the neighbours chooks move it around. |
Time to build and start the new compost heap. |
The nuts have come earlier than expected |
We had a pleasant outing to Kaiti Beach on Sunday to pick up the seaweed to make fertilizer tea. The seaweed has to be washed to clean it of sand and salt before put it in the buckets to stew. Hopefully this will give us about 100L of seaweed tea.
We have watered and put a light mix of Seasol on the trees to give them an extra burst before winter. The soil is very dry and cracked. We have had Jan, Feb and April as drought months.
Duncan has also had to mow twice. Its all a steady round of tasks to be completed.
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