Monday 11th April 2022
A relaxed start to the day, then a drive around the local district, lots of lovely shops nearby and a small mall and supermarket. Chris has a specialist appointment early afternoon, so we take off with Robin to Yaroomba where Chris and Robin have thoroughly modernised a house up there which is nearer to Phoebe and Shannon and Otis in Coolum, and Nick, Michelle, and girls in Malleny. It is about 2hours up the Sunshine Coast.
We are greeted by Yoshi.
Robin and Chris spend a lot of time moving between their two properties, and Yoshi usually goes too, but they had left him on his own overnight while they picked us up. Seemed to enjoy being in charge of the bed!
We are immediately impressed by the highly specialised grass. It is very soft and spongy and only requires mowing four times a year!
Chris arrives and we go for a walk down by the beach. On the way we stop to chat to a neighbour who has had his driveway graffitied. He, apparently, is a bit of a redneck, but we were quite curious by the neat spraypainting and the use of an apostrophe. (incorrectly). There is quite a lot of local politics in the area, especially to stop the place being dotted with high-rise.
The other three enjoy the duck meal.
On the way we see a spectacular sunset through the new sapling gums which are growing up after fires. This isn't a very good photo of what we saw - but it is a very moody shot.

Tuesday 12th April 2022
Robin's loving having her fit brother to stay, and drags him out on the cycle in the morning.
This is Family Day, and Phoebe, Shannon and Otis arrive in the morning.
Otis is as delightful in person as he has been in photos. Heaps of smiles. |
They will return for pizza later in the afternoon. We head off for a drive and a lunch at Noosaville. Phoebe is still keen to get married, so we imagine all sorts of places might be suitable on our way.
? Wedding? at Noosaville
Chris is handmaking the bases for pizza which he will cook in the pizza oven. They are lovely.
Meanwhile, Nick and Michelle and the girls arrive and some of us go for a swim in their pool. Otis enjoys some time in there with me.
Bonnie and Freya don't have TV at home.
Just time for the group shot with Nick, Michelle, Bonnie and Freya, before the parents pop off to the pub for a gig. |
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