Friday, February 28, 2014

Moving on.

The wool that I am growing at the top of my hair is very springy and curly. Even it I wanted to I couldn't wear my wig as wiry grey curls would spring from underneath it. The top of my hair would lift my wig off my head. I find it quite a masculine look - but at least its hair!!
Time to pack my wig, wig stand, wig net, wigshine away.
It was a great wig and it saw me through the hard times and most days I felt better from wearing it. It made me look quite young so I felt quite attractive in it.
Goodbye wig. I hope I never have to use you again.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Mozzarella + Oncology appointment success

Last Friday I got a clean bill of health so far from Dr Goodman - only another two years and nine months to go until we know if the lymphoma has decided to go away and stay away.
So onto new adventures now and this included using the Mad Millie cheese making kit that Jill gave me for Christmas.
The first step was to milk the cow. I left this to Anna and David. The first night they seperated the calf from the cow, but the calf wasn't having any of this and smashed through the barrier that David had erected between them. When David went out in the morning he went to pick up the bits of the barricade and a metal standard flew up and hit him quite badly - just missing the eye. However the next attempt was much more successful and the rich creamy wonderful tasting milk was delivered.
Rich and Creamy

Frothy when poured

Sterilise all equipment

Heat to the required temperature and check for a clean cut

Now I'm sorry I cant show you the stretching stage but it required two hands. Here they are 5 balls of mozzarella! It tasted pretty good too. I did have some problems getting the clean cut so I had to add double rennet. Looking forward to trying it again - if only the cow would co-operate!