Saturday, August 9, 2014

Marathon Month

With the advent of the colder weather I thought that maybe I would use Duncan's rowing machine a bit. But it doesn't suit me at all. So after much thought I decided to buy a treadmill. Duncan was not keen on this at all, and we agreed that I could buy it if I paid for it. I thought he would be pleased that I was looking for a suitable exercise machine. We duly got it installed, and after a few teething troubles with the settings we are now both happily walking away during the winter months.
Yes even Mr "I'll never use it" can be seen striding away most nights!
So I have decided to do a treadmill marathon during the month of August. But of course the days I walk with the girls, or play golf I don't use the treadmill, so I have fallen many Km short of where I should be by now, so I can see some Hard Yards coming up to get the 42.2 km done by the end of the month. It all seemed so easy when I first suggested it in July. I will let you know how I progress.