Saturday, January 16, 2010

While the cats away.

What do Granparents do when Mum and Dad dessert their kids for Rythmn and Vines? Here we are on a delightful walk through Hukutaia Domain - Gran of course giving an educational talk on the lacewood tree.
Auntie Heather gets in on the act, showing the kids that only one tree contains the sacred bones of the ancestors of the local iwi.

Two tall straight Kauri trees which shed their skin - just like a crayfish!!

More learning going on!

A cheeky fantail frightened Gran

The sacred bones lie here.

The carvings guard the entrance to the hole in the puriri tree.

The Waterslide

Just great!!! he did it so many times. Good to have a wetsuit as some kids were getting very red thighs.

Grandad shows Millie how to eat prawns. This is one lesson he missed with his own daughter.

Dinner at Honeys in Opotiki was a bit of a laugh!

But we had two very well behaved children despite the long wait and the wrong icecream flavour.


  1. Wonderful. It was a memorable time for them - especially when Gran was scared of the fantail (we've heard that tale many times now). We'll have to do it again next year! ;)

  2. Damnit, I really wanted to go to the mudslide but (a) didn't know where it was and (b) didn't have anyone to go with.

  3. Slag: maybe next year...
    "mum": looks like you had a couple of very well behaved and interested kids! Where'd you get them from?!
