Monday, September 5, 2011

Frankenstein Friends

Well here is Anne post op! Her stitches are like a headband from ear to ear in a thick black thread, and her forehead is pulled slightly upward and so she looks a little surprised. Just a little like Herman Munster! But at least she is is good spirits even though she sometimes get the sequence of some things wrong. For this reason she is also finding cooking a meal a bit of  a trial as well. But she tells me she is improving everyday, and has just recently recieved the paperwork telling her that she will be going to Waikato for an op...several days after she came back.
But the truly amazing thing is that I took this photo on my cell photo, emailed it to myself, coverted from PDD to Jpeg and put it in the new format of the Blog. So if you have trouble seeing it - that will be why. Now I am waiting to see what cost that has incurred before I go too mad.

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