Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My Support Team

So many of you are keeping my spirits bright with messages of support. Here's one from April on our first day at varsity in 1970 ready to take up residence at 26 Ariki street in Grey Lynn. Look at my waist!! and those legs aren't bad. Others are sending cards and letters, sending funny jokes and emails, phone calls and even small presents, visits for a cuppa, hugs and kisses. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this - especially when the weather is so bleak. There has been the odd day when their has been no messages, and it is very easy to start to brood as I rub my prickly bald head.

Thank you all, my progress has been so good through this bitter journey because of your support.


  1. "Look at Grandma!" I told the kids.
    Millie: "Holy cow!"
    Alex: "Holy crap!"

  2. It was quickly followed with - "Yeah, it looks like Grandma." So I think you've got to go with positive.

  3. Amazing, I have friends who live in Ariki Street now surrounded by gentrified bungalows. We lived at 14 Wood Street, parallel to Ponsonby Road which ended at the infamous Tavern. The house was condemned and is now a park.

    This is a roundabout way of saying we were at Uni at the same time and living not that far from each other. How about that?
