Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Eagle has Landed

Yes, the girls have arrived!!
Kath and Kim were collected from the poultry raising place today and after an initial break for freedom - brilliantly handled by Duncan we got them both in the cage and transported them home to the Henhouse Hilton which we have bought for them. They will have to lay well for 2 years for us to get our money back, but the source of entertainment so far has been tremendous.
That's Kath facing us, she has less white on her, plus a smaller tail feather, although that may have been a result of the escape bid.

 They looked immediately comfortable and began pecking the nice green grass and scratching in the edge of the compost heap that we thought they might like. Certainly they turned up their noses at the breadcrusts and vege scraps I put in the henhouse.

I checked them out later on and they were investigating the sleeping quarters. They are only pullets so no eggs for about 2 -3 months so we haven't put and straw in the nesting boxes yet, so I hope they are OK.

Lastly  I have finally finished my knitting outfit for my great neice Bonnie Margaret Bishop born to Nick and Michelle on the 26th March. I've teamed it up with some Pumpkin Patch Jeans for a 3 month-old and I am very pleased with the finished ensemble!

1 comment:

  1. Nice outfit!! Alex said the you were enjoying watching the chickens while you were on the phone to him.
