Sunday, November 2, 2014

Labour Weekend 2014

This year we went to Ohiwa at Labour Weekend. As a child I always remember going to the Mount and having the first swim of the season, and while we enjoyed fine weather the wind was cold and we spent the weekend changing in and out of our warm jerseys,
 Simon and Jackie met us there - Simon had bought the kayak down so we took Theo to the beach and taught him basic sandcastle skills while Jackie and Simon went for a big paddle around the estuary.
 The camping ground was very full. Sharon and Russell were there, so we had a quick chat with them as we inspected our site. Todd has filled and mowed it even more so it is getting very large now, but still only one power point.
 I dont know what has happened to my legs here!! but this was the best of our sandcastles as Theo tended to press the shells on very firmly leading to cataclysmic rupture of the sandcastle.
 We were all a bit under the weather and Theo was usually his smiley self most of the time, but dropped into a feverish sleep at odd times during the weekend as well.
 We shared the cooking around and had this delicious taco meal at Simon and Jackie's cabin. As you can see it has quite a nice area outside  which is good for playing. Lets hope they can get it for a few days over Christmas!!

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