Saturday, June 27, 2015

What we did with Theo

Last weekend we hopped in the car at Friday lunchtime and went off to Hamilton. Good trip up and not nearly as much wet weather as we had expected. Simon cooked tea and we settled in.
Next morning we were left in charge while Simon and Jackie had a night in Thames. What a shame the weather wasn't nicer. We had to go up town so that I could get some paper from the Trade Aid place for a market day project. We decided to grab a bite at Sierra  and Theo picked his own - but then we had a bit of sharing around. A good place to go as we got a Gold Card discount of 10%!
 Then back to do the serious playing! There were stickers for the sticker book.
 A rather hardened set of playdoh which we moistened with water which was very messy, but with a huge amount of enjoyment.
 In the odd bright break there were games of soccer and a new variant of Piggy -in-the-middle. I've never used those rules before.

 Duncan felt that a bit of rough and tumble was called for. "No Grandad, you have to do that on the bed or you'll get hurt" Simon texted a few times during the day. We were doing OK as babysitters - never heard him cry once.
 Next was a visit to Barry and Liz who are in reasonable health and looking forward to their campervan tour in Oz with Wren and Margaret. After playing very quietly for over an hour Theo said, "I want to go home now" Placated with another piece of Liz's shortbread we managed to stay another half hour. What a good little chap!
Dinner, bath and bed and at least three books and he went off to sleep and we didn't hear from him apart from snoring until the morning, although I did go in and straighten him up a couple of times.

Sunday was another miserable day , so it was more inside activities like the old favourite of making a house with blankets and chairs and the sofa.

The miserable weather meant that Simon and Jackie were home just after two - I think that they were a little underwhelmed by the welcome they got. Theo just kept on playing - but it was nice to have a snuggle in the deconstructed house.
I had cooked dinner, but not being used to the oven it was not too brilliant. Will pay to go out next time! Then we were allowed the TV on to watch Dancing with the stars - they don't watch too much TV in that house which is why Theo has such wonderful powers of concentration for a 3 1/2 year old.

Time to go on Monday morning - a ferocious farewell from this little lion! We didn't have much rain again on the trip home but it got very cold going over Traffords Hill - 4 degrees and the Waioeka was running very fully with lots of waterfalls - Not a day to be doing the Tauranga Bridge crossing!!
PS I think Duncan has been able to fix his glasses that got mangled in the rough and tumble!

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