Friday, January 23, 2009

If first you dont succeed.....

"Here is my first blog. Its like going on a first on a first date! How well do I know you ?- how much do I tell you?"
Yes this is how I started my first blog and then I thought I'd put a photo on but somehow I appeared to be putting every photo that I've ever taken on my digital camera on. I had to crash the system. So this is my second attempt.

I have been working away on my New Year's resolutions, one has been to start a blog and another has been to start a worm farm. This arose when I had to do a survey from the department of the Environment. They asked me if I would be prepared to limit myself to one three minute shower a day and I said no. Then they asked would I be prepared to start a worm farm, and I thought that I could do that!!

At present I am trying to do it in my composting bin rather than spend a couple of hundred bucks on a special "farm", but spurred on by a radio program we heard when driving to Ha hei for the day, I have ordered the special worms - red, blue and tiger. So Willy and Wally and Wanda and Wendy etc etc all arrived by courier in a cardboard, compost mix.

They like to be covered by a wet piece of carpet which is to be only lifted when new scraps - no citrus or meat, and not too many onions - are put on each day. Digging down to see how they are doing is more likely to kill them so is strictly forbidden. Apparently it may be up to nine months before I can remove the rich worm castings from the bottom while the worms move to the top.. Also I need to rig up a collection system for the worm tea (I think this is worm pee) which can be used as a fertiliser.

A bit of a test of faith that they are doing their job!!! Follow up story to run in September.

No photos this time. But I'll work on it.