Monday, February 2, 2009

Moving on up

Even though some of my friends are turning 60 things are still happening for us. Last weekend I held a Hens night for my tramping friend Anna. Widowed a number of years ago she has found happiness with an old friend and we are all delighted. Of course being me, I had a tightly scripted series of activities - which seemed to work with the group of her friends - and by the end of the night - my new friends!

O goodness they said I could change it once it was here but now I cant seem to.

Feeling very exhausted at the moment with scholl starting and trying to get the netting on


  1. I know how annoying it is putting photos up and things not working, so I won't hassle you for spelling school wrong.

  2. Neither will i.

    But I will hassle you for not finishing the sent
