Sunday, February 8, 2009

Bummed Out

Yes I have my bum all kitted out for the future bike ride on the Otago Rail Trail. I saw that Rebel Sports were having a Big Sale. Well, I thought, XL cycle shorts should be in an extra large sale. Alas they weren't, however I have purchased a well padded pair for $49.95. They sure put the wad in waddle. Full of enthusiasm, despite the blistering heat of the day I set off around the big block (14km). By the time I was down near the airport my throat was so dry that I couldn't swallow. The sun bore down and the only shadow was made by the hovering birds - for a moment I imagined them to be buzzards, but then to may horror I realised they were magpies and the story of the cyclist who was dive-bombed by magpie, fell off into the path of a truck and became a paraplegic. I turned the corner by the beach, and straight into a head wind. I had no water, but it didn't matter as I can't take my hands off the handlebars without wobbling badly. Round the corner by the golf club, and a youg lad passes me with a large surfboard under his arm. Round the roundabout, thankfully empty at the time and elated to be on the homeward journey. On the Makaraka straight I see a fellow cyclist at the side of the road. "Puncture !" he shouts. Great alarm and much wobbling! Then I realise he's talking about himself. Finally I turn into the drive and thankfully dismount. My thumbs are absolutely aching. But my bum is fine. A little damp, warm and tingling!! That might get some of you out there on bikes!! Next week I am going to get Duncan to show me how to use the gears.
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1 comment:

  1. NOW I remember what I had to tell you: The Ezibuy voucher still hasn't arrived.

    Which bike are you riding? That old one from 20 years ago?
