Sunday, May 26, 2013


This is the first of the BLOGs now that I know that the lump on my neck is a lymphoma and will require chemotherapy.
I had always said that I would be retiring at the end of my 60th year and I can remember a dragging feeling as I headed back for school this year. Now it doesn't look like I will be able to make it through this year, and I am very doubtful about returning next year.
It wasn't long after the lump appeared that I had a nightmare. I was in the kitchen (at 36 Wylie St, Rotorua) and heaps of smiling faces were coming in the door to greet me. All of a sudden a large black bird (like a black magpie, or maybe a crow) flew in and gripped onto my forearm and started pecking at my neck. I was screaming "get it off" -I may have even called out in my sleep. All the smiling people just kept on smiling and chatting and doing nothing! Then Jill came pushing her way through the crowd and lunged at the bird... At this point I woke up in a very agitated state. From that point on, when they said "it's probably viral, but we'd better check that its nothing more sinister"  I think I secretly knew the answer.

There are about 5 possible causes of lymphoma including presence of the Epstein Barr virus - a flag for Glandular fever which I had about 6 years ago and agricultural chemicals. However Duncan thinks it is highly suspicious that this should strike during the period when I could not get Marmite even when it was back on the market! I guess what we mean is - who knows what caused this to flare up?


  1. I like that I tried to save you! Go me!!
    I had a premonition about being pregnant with Millie (although really, it was beyond premonition time and common-sense should have punched me in the face). It was about two days away from the day when i would find out that I was (very) pregnant. I dreamt that I was pregnant and I was trying to hide it but the baby kicked me in the stomach (she was probably actually doing this at the time) and I had an imprinted footprint on my tummy that I could not wipe off, and I tried to wipe it off, nothing I could do would get rid of that footprint.

  2. Gwen, all the best, & here's to strength where you and your family need it.

    Can I request that either you or Jill have a premonition about horse races or lotto numbers please?

  3. Be worried Jill - if I need a bone marrow transplant you'd be first in the queue to harvest cells from. Very Long needles.
    Unfortunately my premonitions only seem to work on disasters, but I have always considered myself a lucky card player.
