Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Crystal Pen from Farmers

I have forgotten about this post which I didn't finish before, from our trip to Cairns, but was reminded of it with the purple crystal pen from Farmers. We drove into the Tablelands and went to a crystal museum. Its was a reconstruction so you put your hard hat on with your light beaming and walked through a series of
Where a variety of exhibits were displayed. As a Geology 1 student I was thrilled to see these fossils that I had only read about on books - the ammonites, an extinct marine snail, and the trilobites an extinct marine - probablity a prerunner of insects. What was so amazing was the recall I had on this information whereas I forget so many peoples names!!

The main standout was the gems - geodes of amethysts - just like the giveaway pen in Farmers, however I think  theirs was synthetic!

As you can see some of the exhibits were huge, and very spectacular.

We also went to the Mango farm and tried some of their mango wine - it was suprisingly good! Then we went to a coffee plantation, unfortuntely it was just about to close, but Duncan can still recall the REALLY fresh coffee we had there. We looked for platypus in the wild but didn't spot any and did a short walk to see this Fig Tree Curtain which was huge. Lots of interesting places like Mareewa "where the sun shines 360 days a year"

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