Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hair is the news

The last normal photos I had taken were at Jill's PhD ceremony.
Shortly after this I learned that I had lymphoma and the most likely outcome would be R Chop chemotherapy which almost guarantees that you lose you hair.
I read in the helpful little book that if you have you hair short it falls out less painfully and less in clumps. So I went to the hairdresser and got it cut short. It was a little bit sad, but a good red colour lifted my spirits. I had to go scrambling for my range of earings from the good old days. (I dont have pierced ears)
 Apparently you can start losing your hair from day 12 of treatment and the wig lady encouraged me to come early in case we had to send away for a new colour. But she had what I wanted anyway - streaks of honey and red. The wig is asymmetric  - we are hoping this will detract from the lump on the neck which is getting smaller and softer.

 My hair hasn't shown any signs of falling out yet, but I feel confident that the wig will be OK which is just as well because I look like a praying mantis in a turban.
So now I have entered the world of wigliners and wig shine, scalp shampoo rather than hair shampoo.
All new steps along the way.


  1. Love it!! Love the outfit too ;)

  2. Yea man, looks pretty cool :) especially with the serious shoulder-forward model pose.
