Monday, June 3, 2013


On Thursday the kids had a shared lunch with me. In exclusive Brethren terms this means I have first servings of the food and then retire to the staffroom to eat so as not to break the "not eating with the exclusive brethren" rule. They also gave me a goody box - enough treats to last the 18 weeks of treatment, and certainly guaranteed not to allow me to lose weight.  I managed to hold it together throughout all this and then three of my old students from previous years appeared with a huge bunch of flowers AND  a vase and this card. I was in floods of tears and then my nose started bleeding so I was a right mess!
Never mind - the sentiment is excellent!!
However looking at these two girls I wondered what I will wear when I lose my hair, and while their headgear is very fetching I have opted  for a very classy felt fedora from Ezibuy. It will either cover my thinning hair - or hold my wig on in the wind. Today's silly something - buy a silly hat!

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