Friday, June 14, 2013

Week One is done

It is just now as I look at my chart that I realise what a hell of a long time 18 weeks is. The treatment has been very hard on the digestive system. I have had both diarrhoea and constipation, wind at both ends,  bloating and cramping. Tea and red wine have gone out the window - must be the tannins. Hot food now scalds all the way down my gullet as the layer of cells there is altered by the chemo. There have been lapses  in energy - of total torpor  - treacle limbs so hard to move. And the worst of it is that I cannot predict any of this - just like the blood noses which gush at unexpected times.
On the positive side I am sleeping very well, and very often. Chewing gum seems to help settle my gullet and cramping. I am getting maybe four hours a day when I feel totally normal!! I've lost another kg. I am still able to walk with my friends. Still able to socialise for short periods - till my concentration lapses.
17 weeks stretches before me. 
Right-o now to get the photos ready for the big wig reveal!!!!

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