Sunday, April 3, 2016

Day 19 My Day at the Golf

Today I went to the golf with Duncan. It was a very chilly to start with but warmed up after lunch.
Duncan’s  group teed off at 11.47am and he was a bit discombobulated by the lack of an earpiece to communicate with  the other refs  , however they sorted this out by hole 3. The players were O'REILLY  from Australia, Peter Smith from New Zealand, and Kang  from  Korea - although he spent a lot of time in NZ, and an amateur  Ken Buck. Smith and Buck were a Pro am team from Millbrook  and he was a local retired GP.  I commented to him in the heat of the afternoon that he would enjoy his beer , but he said that he had promised to give up alcohol until this was over  so he would have to wait to see if they were through to the next round.
The statues and art installations make it a truly memorable course,  my favorite  being the horses in the tussock. It is quite a hilly course and while Duncan is walking on the fairways , I am walking over rabbit hole pocked tussock.
Duncan only has one ruling today ,  but also has several queries.
When we get back to the caravan there is a note on the door from Duncan's cousin Sylvia instructing us to go to her daughter's place for dinner.  Andrea and Todd's holiday home is close to the camping ground. They live the rest of the year  in Perth. We have a very jolly evening with them - even if I do find the laksa a bit too hot!

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