Friday, January 17, 2020

Lyns Birthday Painting - Week 3

Now I add some water in the purple tones. I put in some white but it doesn't really look right.

Worked on the sandspit

Here come the pinks

Some of the colours look very bright and a bit garish , but at dusk, when I look through the living room doors into the half light, the painting looks wonderful.

Time to start adding the darker trees that frame the scene. The mango tree looks great, but the Norfolk pine looks terrible!
I've decided painting sunsets is probably only for experts as I am struggling to capture the luminosity. Time to look for a Utube. Did you know that you can tell a sunrise from a sunset as the sky in a sunrise will graduate to lighter shades, while a sunset will graduate to darker shades. On looking at some images for sunset paintings on google, I am feeling better about my efforts now. More next week!